Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 7- Character you have the most in common with

Sephie Tilmitt 8D

-Female *shot*
-Promotes school events until people become extremely annoyed and then some (and promotes them to people you KNOW don't care but we'll force it on them until they do >8D)
-Fangirls over certain men we have never actually met
-Keeps weird online journals/diaries
-Loves a certain cowboy by the name of Irvine Kinneas

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 5- Character you'd like as your child


30 day meme

Day 1- Your favourite character

I'm currently doing a 30 day meme and I'll be doing a new sketch for each day.
I'm actually up to day 4 =p
I'll update here from now on!

Day 2- Your least favourite character
Day 3- Character you'd date
Day 4- Character you'd go shopping with

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Friendships like this are forever part 2

I used my Rokusho figurine as a colour guide rather than looking up images, haha!

A friend advised me that the program she uses for CGing is really good if you just want to CG normal anime-style art. I've had this program for a while now but I really don't think I've been using it to its full potential, so I gave CGing in it a try.
My friend was right, it is so much cleaner than photoshop!

This was the result!

My first full CG piece in Sai (edited in Photoshop) and first completed piece here on my DOLLHOUSE, haha.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friendships like this are forever


Medabots are hard to draw... but I've been rewatching the series and and and... I'm really determined to draw better Medabots fanart! I want to draw more of Rokusho!